About FSD Zambia

FSD Zambia is a Zambian organisation working closely with key players throughout the economy to ensure that all Zambians are financially healthy, particularly the most excluded and underserved. This way, all women, men, girls and boys, can learn, choose and use a wide range of financial services that positively impact their lives. FSD Zambia serves as a market facilitator and seeks to achieve inclusive finance results using a Making Markets Work for the Poor (M4P) methodology, aiming for market systems change. The organisation endeavours to move the underlying dynamics within the market rules, support systems, and players, changing the way of thinking. To expand financial inclusion, we collaborate with both public and private sector institutions to make financial markets work better. FSD Zambia enhances trust between clients and suppliers of financial services by helping to bring people together, cultivate understanding, stimulate innovation, and lower costs. FSD Zambia has enjoyed the support of Sweden Sverige, Comic Relief, Jersey Overseas Aid, Irish Aid, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), Rural Finance Expansion Programme (RUFEP), and Bank of Zambia (BOZ).

To expand financial inclusion, we collaborate with both public and private sector institutions to make financial markets work better.

FSD Zambia

Our Mission

Core Values

Our Vision

Mission: “A market facilitator that effectively contributes to the attainment of real sector value for the poor and underserved Zambians, through the promotion of inclusive and responsive financial systems, access to basic services and sustainable futures.”

  • Our purpose for existence as FSD Zambia primarily remains that of a trusted market facilitator.
  • Our mission in the context of financial inclusion 2.0. will be to contribute to processes within the financial sector which contribute to real sector value for end clients.
  • The new approach builds on experience and strengths, including the need for significant research investments about every five years to move the market forward with evidence-based innovation.
  • We will promote and support initiatives and processes that assist in transforming the financial systems making them easily accessible, more inclusive and responsive to the needs of the poor and underserved.
  • Customer Centricity: real value for the unserved and underserved. FSD Zambia shall commit to gender equity and equality through non-discrimination where there shall be equality of opportunity for all regardless of sex or disability. FSD Zambia shall also focus on accessibility by all to resources and opportunities created by FSD Zambia’s work.
  • Excellence: FSD Zambia shall exercise a rights-based approach in all its work with emphasis on high quality results delivered at the right time. In this regard, FSD Zambia shall invest in continuous learning at all levels towards increasing awareness and understanding of gender within FSD Zambia and its partners, and the financial market as a whole.
  • Respect: Open, honesty relationships with all, including responsible communication. FSD Zambia shall taking into consideration the diversity of women, men, boys and girls in Zambia including age, disability, and social and living conditions.
  • Transparency and Accountability: full disclosure, great courage, and truthfulness,
  • Integrity: demonstration of trust, respect, and honesty in transactions

Vision:An inclusive and responsive financial sector that supports financial health and sustainable futures for the improved wellbeing of all Zambians.”

  • FSD Zambia will work to contribute to a vision of developing an inclusive and responsive financial sector.
  • We share in a vision where access to financial services is a catalyst for the attainment of sustainable futures and poverty reduction.
  • We will continue to work in partnership with the Government, regulatory authorities, financial service providers and civil society organisations in pursuing this vision.
FSD Zambia Five Commitments

To help transform lives and ensure a healthy and inclusive financial sector, we anchor our work on understanding the financial needs of the Zambian population, through continuous collaborations and interactions.

Building trust

We cultivate a shared understanding of how finance should work and promote financial education from a young age. When children learn new things, they share them with their family and friends, resulting in intergenerational impact.

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We gather and share up-to-date information on the financial sector and make it widely available and accessible to everyone.

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Bringing people together

We facilitate conversations, encourage collaborations, dispel misunderstandings and share market information. We link stakeholders and see how different types of people from diverse backgrounds can bring about meaningful changes – With better information comes better opportunities

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Stimulating Innovation

We identify opportunities to take financial service providers out of their comfort zone to create products that address the real needs of Zambians. We partner with young, vibrant innovators to deliver financial literacy directly to Zambians, wherever they are, via mobile phones.

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Lowering Costs

We work with the Government and financial service providers to ensure that services and digital access are located where people need them to build a trusting and inclusive financial future for Zambia.

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